5 most Frequent Errors in the Execution of Construction
How not, damn security.
Yes, I did not want to leave without evoking this “problem in the work.” It has been 12 years, with problems in the works, and I can assure you that it has improved a lot in that field, although we continue to suffer in meats that there are still many deficiencies.
I still remember that in my first works the staff was running around the helmet when I heard “Be careful, the security is coming!” Although it seems silly, that aspect is more than overcome (or so I think), and today we see how the staff wears a helmet in a normal way.
Lack of support of 2/3 of the brick on the edge of the floor
You are right! It was very common to see how the façade enclosures relied on most 1/3 of their thickness, that is, nothing and less! Then, of course, some facades tended to create “bellies” that they did not eat.

Absence of reinforcement separators
One of the most frequent errors in the execution of structural elements was the absence of separators.
It was not uncommon to find brick chunks, or in the best case stones, to fit beams. Moreover, in a reticular floor, more than one forger told me that there was no lack of spacers because “the concrete lifts the error.”
There was a case that caught my attention, a builder used PVC pipe cutouts as a separator.

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